Thursday, December 15, 2011

Recipe: Glazed Donut Grilled Cheese Sandwich

OK, let's be honest, you can probably figure this recipe out for yourselves, but here's the original blog where I described all this and below is what I did!


1 Glazed Donut (whatever brand you like)
2 slices of Kraft American Cheese
2 tbsp butter, softened

Yes, you only need one donut and there are two here.  I had to do a quality check, didn't I?!?!
1. Slice the donut in half like it's a bagel.  This is a sticky affair, but you're not making this sandwich to stay clean dammit.

2. Spread a tablespoon of butter on the cut side of each half OR you can do it on one side, put that down in the pan and then spread the other tbsp on the exposed side.

3. Make a sandwich with the 2 slices of cheese between the donut halves.  Remember, you're putting the sticky, glazed side against the cheese and buttering the more bread-like interior of the donut.

4. Preheat a small frying pan over medium heat and then put the sandwich in there, butter-side down.  Keep an eye on it, but it'll probably brown up nicely in a minute or two.  Once it does, flip it over and let it cook for that same amount of time on the other side.

Your finger in the corner is optional.

5. That's pretty much it!  Get it out of there and put it on the plate.  It'll be hot and the cheese should be nicely melted.  You might want to let it sit and cool down for a minute, but it'll be a long minute.

Enjoy your next EKG on me!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Donut Make My Brown Eyes Blue

Aww...they're friends.

Alright, let's get this disclaimer out of the way right at the top:

1. I'm not saying this should be a part of your daily routine.
2. I'm not saying this is good for you.
3. I am saying it's actually pretty damn tasty.

I read an article a few months back about a place in Ohio (Cincinnati, I believe) that served nothing but grilled cheese sandwiches.  Now I'm sure they offer your standard, run-of-the-mill Kraft single on white bread, but the appeal is that they offer a ton of varieties.  Being a fan of this most simple yet overly delightful sandwich, I read on.

It was then that I read about one of their more popular and more unique offerings:  The Glazed Donut Grilled Cheese.

Like it or not, you read that correctly.

At first, I think my thought was, "The what??"  But then I thought it over a bit and realized it made complete sense.  I remember being pretty young when my Dad tried to talk me into melting a piece of American Cheese on top of a piece of apple pie (it's a Southern-type thing) and I thought he'd lost his mind.  Eventually, he wore both my brother and me down and we tried it.  It kicks a great deal of ass and I highly recommend it the next time you have apple pie.  It would work equally well with a good cheddar, too, but I think Kraft American is probably how it started down south.

So, yeah, I liked cheese with sweet apple pie, I've had plenty of cheese plates that feature fruit and honey...maybe this place in Ohio was on to something!  Only one way to find out...

Kind of like the pie example I cited above, I think the sandwich would be excellent with cheddar and maybe some smoked turkey or something like that added to it, but for my first foray, I decided to stay traditional with 3 ingredients:

1. Glazed Donut
2. American Cheese
3. Butter

Well worth trying and experimenting with!  Get the highly complex recipe here.

Just like mama never used to make!